Types of Content Marketing for Small Businesses

2023-07-26T09:56:19+01:00By |Google|

So  far in this series of blog posts we have looked at the general qualities and characteristics of what makes good quality, laser focused content. To conclude, in this article we are going to be more specific and look at the different types of content marketing formats you should be using to attract the widest possible audience to your website. High Quality Content Content Before we do lets [...]

Content Marketing – The Foundations – Part 2

2023-07-26T09:56:19+01:00By |Google|

In the last article we wrote about Content  Marketing,  we discussed the specifics of what makes good quality, laser focused content that will engage and inform your customers. In this post we look at what the general characteristics of an excellent content marketing strategy should be.    Quality Counts I get asked on, a fairly frequent basis, what does it take to write high quality, perfectly optimised pieces [...]

Content Marketing – The Foundations – Part 1

2023-08-29T15:12:29+01:00By |Google|

Content Marketing for Small Business plays a crucial role in any SEO strategy. How does SEO manifest itself to the people you wish to target? Over the next while you'll hear me talk a lot about content and content marketing. But what does the concept of creating content actually involve? Well according to the Content Marketing Institute it is a way of: ‘Distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to [...]

How to see every Google search you’ve ever made!

2023-11-22T15:34:21+00:00By |Google, Tech|

If you made a search while logged in with your current Gmail or Google account, it's been recorded. We're not just taking about the recent searches that pop up on your current machine. We're talking every search you've made on every device. Yes indeed it doesn't matter whether your searches were done on a mobile or desktop, they've all been stored, and they're waiting for you to rediscover [...]

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