PHP 8.2 Upgrade with MariaDB (3rd October 2024)

2024-09-20T15:39:24+01:00By |Hosting, Security, Servers, Tech, wordpress|

PHP 8.2 Upgrade with MariaDB ( 3rd October 2024) thehostingpool is committed to providing the latest software on web servers for optimum performance and security. Part of this commitment involves our technicians maintaining multiple different PHP versions. Each PHP version has its own lifespan: a beta version, a stable launch, numerous minor updates and security patches, and finally decommissioning. From time to time, we must review [...]

Do your kids know good password hygiene? 

2023-08-29T15:15:46+01:00By |Security|

Growing up before the age of the internet and social networks has left many older users unprepared for risks looming in the virtual world. From that perspective, today's kids are lucky, as the best cybersecurity practices, such as good password hygiene, are at hand. So, if you are not exactly the most security savvy of parents, try our password essentials. Here's the short version: Create a unique password [...]

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