eCommerce website design

2023-09-06T13:04:15+01:00By |eCommerce, thehostingpool company services|

eCommerce Web Design Experience Engaging eCommerce Website Design Have you ever explored various eCommerce websites, searching for services or products? You might have observed that some of these sites intrigued you, while others failed to capture your attention. Ever wondered why this is? What standout features mark one website as engaging and another as lackluster? The heart of the matter lies within eCommerce website design and the integrated [...]

Ireland’s Digital Economy Continues to Grow

2023-07-26T09:56:18+01:00By |Domain Registration, Domains, thehostingpool company services|

Ireland’s Digital Economy Powers Ahead review of digital business in Ireland Based on the data in two reports in 2021 from the .IE and Comreg, Ireland's digital economy continues to thrive and grow and with it, by default,  the growth in Irish domain names One of the major finding in the .IE report was that 330,108  .ie domains were registered in the IEDR database at the end [...]

Listen to the High Vis Podcast for all your Digital Marketing News

2024-07-11T13:27:40+01:00By |Podcasting, thehostingpool company services|

All the Latest Digital Marketing News on the High Vis Podcast Please check out all the latest digital marketing news on our digital marketing podcast, The High Vis. Podcasting is a great way to listen to content on the go. You can pick a time and place to catch up on all the latest news and information. "70% of Americans have listened to podcasts, representing [...]

thehostingpool has Article Published in Prestigious Legal Journal

2024-07-19T10:45:53+01:00By |thehostingpool company services| strengthens its ties with the legal profession thehostingpool is delighted to announce that we have had an article recently published in the Brief ,the official publication of the Irish Institute of Legal Executives. The article, written by our Digital Marketing and IT Specialist, Pat Hughes, details the best practice approaches for legal businesses when it comes to designing, promoting and securing their businesses online. Strong Connections [...]

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