Domain Registration
We specialise in .IE domain name registration.
Give us a call on 01 230 3645
.ie Domain Registration. If you want a domain name for a .ie website you have to register the name with IEDR (Irelands Domain Registry). We are an accredited IE Registrar and will do this for you. We offer domain registration at a much cheaper price than if you go direct through IEDR.
Call us for more information on 01 230 3645 or email
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What is a domain name?
A domain name is your internet address for your website. It will normally look something like this: If your business is primarily for the Irish market then it makes sense to have a .ie domain so that you are telling your target audience that you are trading or based in Ireland.
Why should I choose a .ie domain?
There are benefits to having a .ie domain name. Anyone can register a .com domain and because of this many of the names have already been taken and there is no guarantee it is a genuine business.
The criteria for owning a .ie domain is stricter. For example, in the case of an Irish company or business IEDR require the Registered Business Number from the Companies Registration Office before you can register a .ie domain. This gives customers more confidence that you are who you say you are and they are also aware that you are an Irish based business.
How do I choose a domain name?
Your domain name should reflect your business or service for optimal success on the internet. You should choose a relevant keyword for your name that is most used by people searching for your product. For example, if you offer a service supplying Rainbarrels in Wicklow then using the best searched for keyword would give you better chance of being found by the search engines. So you could have “rainbarrels-wicklow” in your name because this is a widely searched for term.
We can help with Keyword Research. Tell us about your business and the service you provide and we will find the best search terms for you to choose from. For more information check out our Digital Marketing Service.
Get your domain name before someone else does
It is important to register your domain before someone else does. Once your domain has gone it can be registered for anything up to 10 years by another party.
There have been some high profile disputes over the years when it comes to domain ownership. One was with the ownership of a dispute the boss lost in the end. His domain now is
A similar dispute occurred between Microsoft and a gentleman named MikeRowesoft whose name sounded a lot like Bill Gate’s company. This case was settled out of court.
The point of these stories your domain name should be registered as quickly as possible.
Why should I register a domain name through Success Online?
Because we make it simple and provide all our customers with our now famous Human Support Line.
We offer a personal service that is efficient and effective. We take great pride in our reputation and as an official IEDR Registrar we can provide you with all the information you need and ensure that your application is processed quickly and you can be up and running within 24hrs.
We also offer packages that include web hosting, web design and Search Engine Optimisation ensuring your website is found by your target market together with ongoing Human Support Line.